

The experience of maintaining an open heart while allowing one’s Fear to rise. There is a fusion which generates a lot of life force energy. The heart beats strong. We are living! In order to truly live we must face our fear in a healthy way. The only way out is...


The experience of conscious or unconscious fear of another feeling. Usually the feeling we are avoiding is sadness or grief of some kind. We refuse to accept the possibility of loss and we stay stuck in fear. Sometimes we do not know why we are feeling anxious. This...


The experience of affirmation of one’s worth or integral value oftentimes resulting from experiences of praise or external validation. But even in the absence of external validation a feeling of real importance can eventually be sustained when one cultivates...


The experience of energy rising and opening up space in one’s awareness as a result of focusing on the potential for attaining what is sought. There are many forms of desire which generate feelings in different parts of the body. Desire ultimately arises out of an...


The experience of an unexpected loss of connection that was once relied on. A combination of sadness about loss of connection, hurt over broken trust, and fear of how to be without what was lost. Copyright © 2017...
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