
This month has probably been the busiest of my life, which makes my decision to review Dear Time, Are You On My Side? by today—March 31—even sweeter.

As I read this book, a compilation of blog post-esque chapters written by a wildly diverse group of women, I was also adjusting to a brand new full-time job, rehearsing for a play almost 20 hours a week, and preparing for Iphelia, the Children’s Edition’s release day and book-signing celebration.

Still, between March 1st and today (when I started to worry I might have to write a review without finishing the last few chapters), I felt less pressed for time or plagued by time scarcity than I have in almost 10 years. How?

Well, the 20 women who’ve contributed to this anthology can probably speak to that more poignantly than I can. The authors selected for inclusion by Golden Brick Road Publishing House’s Head Of House / CEO Ky-Lee Hanson (who penned the powerful final chapter herself) offer something for everyone—from the restless to the overwhelmed, the eager-to-begin to the grieving-what-was-lost.

As Iphelia’s editor, I imagine the adorable, energetic little girl in the graphic novel’s pages growing up to be a woman of this caliber: collaborating with others to speak her unique truth and make space for more love and light in the world.

Essentially, Dear Time, Are You On My Side? is a taste of what women can bring to the world when we’re working from an open heart, together.

And while Dear Time (which includes legitimately inspirational workbook components that, against all the odds in the self-help universe, manage not to be cheesy) is being marketed to women, I’d argue that individuals of any gender have a great deal to gain from its pages. I found myself teary-eyed, introspective, and grateful while reading Dear Time, more than I’ve been engaging any of the other books I’ve reviewed thus far.

Dear Time, Are You On My Side? isn’t a literary masterpiece. It also isn’t a prescriptive how-to guide (though some of the contributors’ chapters include action steps). It’s an invitation to think and feel brought to us by women who are embodying and exploring all different types of womanhood (and personhood).

 Some of my favorite elements of the anthology include its emphasis on exploring and fostering spirituality, intuition, collaboration, the mind–body connection, and an understanding of money as a form of energy.

Dear Time will be appreciated by anyone who’s ready to step into a new relationship with time, and those who are eager to be in communion with other deep thinkers, deep feelers, and unbridled creators through the written word.

Editor’s Bookshelf is a regular review of soon-to-be-released books that, in the spirit of Iphelia, asks important questions about how the written word—and in some cases, imagery—are used to help readers reconnect with their feelings, themselves, each other, and the world around them.

Iphelia’s editor, Linsey Stevens, answers these questions—chiming in on who will be most captivated by each book’s contents and how it invites readers to return to a heart-centered way of being.

Dear Time, Are You On My Side? by Ky-Lee Hanson and her 19 coauthors will be available on April 10, 2019 from Golden Brick Road Publishing House. To connect with Golden Brick Road’s authors and other readers, visit For more on Iphelia: Awakening the Gift of Feeling, (and to order your copy of the stunning Children’s Edition…released yesterday!) visit our books page.

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